The Effutu Oma Odefe was known in private life as Daniel Kobena Bortse Ghartey. He was born on April 3, 1956 in Winneba to Mr. Dolphin Kobena Ghartey and Madam Ekua Esaaba both of blessed memory and natives of Effutu Simpa.
Kobena Ghartey, as he was affectionately called started schooling at the Winneba Urban Council Primary School near the Ahenfie and continued with the middle schooling at the Methodist Middle Boys’ School from 1967 to 1970. He pursued his secondary school education at the Accra Academy where he obtained his G C E Ordinary Level Certificate in 1975. From 1975 to 1977 he attended the Winneba Secondary School and obtained the G C E Advanced Level Certificate which enabled him to enrol at the University of Ghana at Legon. He graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Faculty of Agriculture with honours in Animal Science.
Professionally he received training at the Central Poultry Training Institute, Hessaraghatta in India for an Advanced Course in Poultry Nutrition and Feeding in 1988 under a Commonwealth sponsorship through the Ministry of Agriculture.
In the following year, 1989, he attended the Ruppin Institute of Agriculture, Emek Hefer in Israel for a course in Farm Management, Planning and Extension. In August 2009, Neenyi Ghartey started the Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at the University of Cape Coast and completed in 2012. With the burden of coping with the large number of retrenched workers and returnees from Nigeria in 1983, Neenyi Ghartey had a taste of political life though it was more of social work.
He was appointed the Projects and Programmes Officer to the Defence Committees within the Gomoa/Awutu/Effutu/Senya District in 1983. His work enabled some of these persons to settle as farmers in the district. Neenyi Ghartey worked as an Animal Husbandry Officer from 1984 with the Department of Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture after a brief teaching at the Winneba Secondary School and the Adisadel College. His last posting was at Half Assini in 1989 after a five-year duty at Tarkwa. At Tarkwa he served as both the District Animal Husbandry Officer and the Farm Manager of the Samahu Livestock Station.
During these years as a field officer, commercial farmers within his area of jurisdiction received technical support for the management of their enterprises. Following the death of Neenyi Ghartey VI in 1994, he became the preferred choice for installation as the next Effutu Oma Odefe and President of the Effutu Traditional Council. The successful coronation was in January 20, 1996 after almost one year in confinement. He became a member of the National House of Chiefs from 2004-2008. He loves writing and reading and enjoys listening to religious and classical music.